Pack 167 Cake Auction
The Cake Auction is an annual charity event held inlieu of a typical pack meeting. This year we are combining the cake auction with our Christmas party. This years event will be on Monday, December 18th. Parents bake Pinterest worthy cakes that are auctioned off in person. Each den donates items to themed gift baskets that are part of an online auction or silent auction. Don’t feel obligated to participate in all the auctions. You don’t have to bake a cake, donate a basket item and bid on these items. Choose what works for you. These items make great gifts for the holidays!
All proceeds from the evening are donated to Children’s Attention Home.
* Please have all donation items turned into your den leader by Monday, December 11, 2023.
Lions & Tigers -
Wolves -
Bears -
Webelos -
Pack 167 is part of the Apache District within Mecklenburg County Council.
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