Apache Day Camp

Want a fun, adventurous camp experience while still enjoying the comfort of your own bed each evening?  If so, then Apache Day Camp is the place for you!  Our Apache Day Camp offers registered Scouts (boys and girls) from rising Tigers through rising Arrow-of-Light the opportunity to experience the endless possibilities of Belk Scout Camp without spending the night.  Day campers will spend their days doing all sorts of exciting camp activities including swimming, boating, crafts, hiking, fishing, archery and so much more including new activities designed exclusively for summer camp fun and advancement!

A & B Health forms and copy of insurance card front and back are required for this trip.

Date TBD

Drop off: 8:00-8:30

Pick up: 4:30-5:00

Fees: TBD

Want to use your Scout Account towards the cost of this event? Contact our Treasurer for details!

Apache Day Camp is located at Belk Scout Camp.

Belk is located at: 9408 Belt Rd, Midland, NC 28107

Each Pack is required to provide one adult volunteer for every four Scouts registered for the week. Lion and Tiger parents must be on site everyday.

Having a difficult time volunteering because your Scout has siblings at home?  Here are some options which are available to parents while they are on site volunteering:

Me-Toos: Children ages 2 (potty trained) to 5: 1st Me-Too is free, 2nd Me-Too and thereafter is $20.

Adventure Patrol: For brothers or sisters that are not registered scouts and are rising first graders through 5th grade who want to do everything the Cub Scouts are doing. Cost is the same as Cub Scouts.

Siblings 11 and older may help their parent volunteer.

All volunteers 18yrs and older are required to have a current Youth Protection Certificate and A/B health forms with copy of insurance front/back.

Optional but encouraged forms for anyone 14yrs or older: copy of current CPR certification and online BSA training for Safe Swim Defense, Safety Afloat, Weather Hazards, Climb on Safely, and Trek Safely.

For more info please visit: https://www.mccscouting.org/apache-day-camp

Pack 167 is part of the Apache District within Mecklenburg County Council.

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