Spring Cuboree
This is a themed weekend campout put on by our local council. Scouts will have the opportunity to learn a variety of skills to include BB Shooting, Archery, Fishing, BMX, and more. The Saturday night campfire is one of the biggest campfires throughout the year and gathers together packs from around our district for skits, stories, and songs. Cuborees are intended for the entire family, including siblings! A parent or guardian is required to attend with their scout.
Dates: Tentative April 12-14 at Camp Grimes.
Only $TBD per person!
Want to use your Scout Account towards the cost of this event? Contact our Treasurer for details!
A & B Health forms are required for this trip.
Camp Grimes is located at: TBD
Pack 167 is part of the Apache District within Mecklenburg County Council.
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